Monday, March 31, 2008

Genetic mutations

This little guy is going to grow up to be one bad ass ninja...he will be able to throw ninja stars, while nunchunking (spelling?) your ass, and if thats not enough dont forget about the Samurai swords his third arm is holding!!

I am not sure what is more strange in this picture...the actual "frog child" or the fact that the creepy dude is carrying him around in a bowl. But this thing will haunt my dreams for atleast 6 years. In 2006, this bizarre-looking baby was born in Charikot, the headquarters of Dolakha district, attracting a huge number of onlookers to witness the astonishing sight. The bizarre baby died after half an hour of its birth, Suntali, the mother, informed. It was taken to the hospital after its death. The news about such a baby being brought to the hospital spread like wildfire and there were hundreds gathered at the hospital to have a look. The police had to be deployed to control the crowd.

Ok this isnt funny but shit...can you imagine cutting this guy off in traffic! Your looking in your rearview to a fucking huge middle finger!!!!!!!!

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